In today’s society we as human beings associate fears with inner problems. This fear can be positive and normal or at times also can become annoying, so it needs our reaction to resolve. Otherwise it converts to
phobias and Irrational fears.

My project speaks of the fear. A collection. of paintings in abstract forms
I used to use so many colors in my paintings but recently I just paint with the color gray, black and dirty green and a little bit of ocher is always on my palet. I prepare the background with the color black while. In different parts of the canvas it remains to the end of the process of painting. Then
I apply and sprinkle the other colors listed above on the canvas.

I like the feeling of fear together with joy. When the work is finished, the remaining black parts in the background spaces will be the spaces in which I am not able to enter because of my fear. But I need to go inside to encounter with this fear. The unknown world in me, I explore it on the canvas as a mirror of my disquietude.